Wednesday 7/22/2020

Taking it’s toll. In times like these all of the restrictions and “information” start to effect the people around you and how they act/behave. Is there a way to be sure your work environment doesn’t deteriorate or become a place you no longer want to be?

I think the short answer is yes but it’s just not that easy. It becomes more difficult to enforce / follow rules when duties demand you do things that aren’t in line with what is expected to keep everyone safe.  Work environments that were once harmonious and pleasant can become tense and uncomfortable.

It’s important to understand that communication is the key. When things become overwhelming the best thing to do is sit down and talk to a supervisor. Right now all business are doing everything they can to follow the guidelines and ensure there is work for their employees. Lenient policies have gone away and you have to understand that things are being done to protect everyone as best as they can.

We would love for the same rules to apply to everyone but different positions require different rules. Be an adult and recognize that no one is out to get you. When you become the person in the office that creates dissension and ill feelings you have become the problem.  If you truly don’t want to be at your place of employ, do yourself and everyone around you a favor and leave.