Thursday 6/11/2020 by Alyssa

Build VS Buy

There may come a time where you are asking yourself; should I build my new home or buy one that is already built? There are a few things to consider when making this decision.
Building your new home means that you can make it exactly to your liking (budget permitting of course). You choose the floor plan and decide where you want everything to go. This eliminates those “Why would you put a bathroom here?” and “Why isn’t there a closet there?” issues and avoids the potential for costly renovations. Everything is new and you aren’t potentially stuck with the previous owners flooring or painting choices.  Another benefit to consider is newly built homes are typically more energy efficient. They have more insulation, less air infiltration, and better HVAC equipment which all adds up to lower energy consumption and improved comfort in comparison to older homes.
Buying an already existing home also has its benefits. It is more convenient to buy an already built home. It takes less time to purchase a home that is already existing than it does to build brand new; even if renovations may be involved. You also can move into any neighborhood of your choice with a house for sale where as you may be limited to open lots to build new.
There is no exact formula for whether it is better to buy already built or build new. It is best to analyze your needs, wants and take some of the above things into consideration to make the best decision for you.