Monday 6/12/2020 By Alyssa

Whether you are renting, building new, buying, or renovating, the wait time to your official move in date can be stressful. There is a period of time that has so many unknowns it can cause anyone to become a stressed out mess. There are many ways to lessen the stress during home building or renovating.

Knowing what you want early on will help alleviate some stressors later on. As a company, we have the ability to work very quickly due to having many of the major components of building a hose on staff. Knowing the types of flooring, paint colors, and plumbing finishes early on can help to alleviate the stress or “rushed feeling” when the time to make final decisions happens. You don’t need to know exacts right at the start of the project, but having an idea of the big picture or the way you want it to look can be helpful down the line.
Make sure you are working with a contractor that you trust. Knowing you have a reliable contractor working on your project can majorly eliminate some of the home building stressors. Do your research and ask around for recommendations from people in your life that you already trust.
Stay involved. Knowing where in the process your contractor is and the next steps can help keep stress levels low. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about things you are concerned about. Usually a simple answer from your contractor will put your mind at ease.
Deciding to build a new home is a major undertaking and can be an emotional process for some. Ups and downs are a part of the process. Finding a way to help you through the downs can be helpful; whether it be making pinterest boards of furniture to put in the finished product, or documenting the building process with pictures. Just like the final products themselves, home buyers are all unique, so it’s best to assess your own amplitude for stress and the ways that work best for handling it.

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