Friday 5/29/2020 By Ashley

Lily of the Valley

Recently, I came across this small fragrant flower in my garden, after a quick search I found out that it was called Lily of the Valley. Something else my search told me is that it is poisonous! While I didn’t anticipate putting it in my salad, I have two dogs one being a beagle who eats EVERYTHING. The fear of her eating it and getting sick or possibly worse, lead to my next search of all the plants poisonous to my pups. There are quite a few common plants in our yard that are poisonous when eaten, some even with just a touch. After doing my research I can better protect myself and my pups from any plants that could be harmful. Some of the plants include: Azalea, parsley, morning glory, hosta, lavender, daffodil, poinsettia, and begonia. The more you know before you plan out your garden (especially when you have a gluttonous beagle) the better! It’s always good to do your research, enjoy!



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